Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dirty Details on Fall Fertilizer

Not only does this time of year signify pumpkins, leaves changing colors and corn mazes, but it also provides many with a great feeling to be harvesting corn and soybeans.  As harvest 2013 is now underway, the combining of soybeans has been a great surprise to growers with higher than expected yields, especially considering that August rains seal the deal for making soybean yields, and that was hard to come by this year.  The higher bushels that are being harvested is a reminder that good agronomic practices still help deliver bushels to the elevator. 
The soil borer that pulls soil samples.
Likewise, corn is having the same success with great yields, however, the wet season that we had in June is showing up in poor stalk quality.  Corn rot has been a major issue that we are now seeing.  It is a fungus that attacks the corn plant at a very early stages and give you a rusty look in the corn roots.  So what does this mean as you cross the fields?  Well, the variability of the fields is more evident and so is the yield in these areas. 
Knowing that you have a varied yield across the field also means that your fertility has changed.  The first step in understanding what is going on at the farm is by doing a soil sample.  With today’s high cost of inputs, it is essential to make every dollar count.  There is so much more risk involved with inputs, that the more information you have from soil sampling, the better decision you will be able to make for your operation.  This is especially important, as fertilizer can result in up to 60% of a crops yield. 
Soil sampling equipment
Soil sampling is a simple and easy program that we offer, where fields are sampled at an intensity of 2.5 acres per sample.  Additionally, at Landmark we have new computer software that we use today which helps you as a grower to determine which area of your fields needs additional nutrients.  
Soil sampling computer
This technology can be done as soon as the combine leave the field.  That timing is best to pull the soil sample, primarily because we get the best information from the soil profile that hasn’t been disturbed by tillage.  We can get these results in about two weeks and your Landmark agronomist can make good recommendations based on current field and yield information.  Products such as MicroEssentials are often times the key needed to be added to fields, based on what the soils sample results tell us. 
So, what’s better than having your soil sampled to customize a plan for your fields, which will result in higher yields?  Well, that’s easy—FREE soil sampling!  Simply be one of the first 50 people to contact Scott Smith (608.819.3210) for information on MicroEssentials fertilizer, and how it can help your yields and you will be entered into a drawing to receive FREE soil sampling.

Joe Speich is an agronomist and location manager at Landmark's Evansville location.  He has been involved in the agriculture industry for 17 years.  Joe is a Certified Crop Advisor and has spent time working with the Department of Ag, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) reviewing nutrient managment plans.  He is also very actively involved with his family farm and enjoys spending time with his two children. 

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