Friday, May 15, 2015

Tips to stay cool this summer!

Believe it or not, the summer of 2015 is coming up fast and prior to the long days of summer it is important to remember to perform a simple maintenance checklist that can save you time, money and perhaps a bout with heat exhaustion too!

Check your air filter:  It is essential to make sure your filter is clean, of the proper size and manufactured correctly to help your equipment operate at its peak. Many one-inch thick filters on the market are said to “clean the air” but have so much air flow restriction they can cause cooling problems.  This can cause your blower motor to work harder and possibly fail.
Remove vegetation: Any vegetation or plants growing near your outdoor air conditioner unit should be removed to prevent air flow issues.

Program for $$ Savings: If you have a programmable thermostat, setting a consistent temperature on it can save you a lot of cash. Landmark Heating and Cooling does not recommend more than a 5-degree setback on temperature. Remember, turning down the thermostat to 64 degrees will not make the house cool any faster. Today there are thermostats that will learn your lifestyle and can even have your home at the correct temperature when you arrive home or wake up.

Turn off those heat makers! Look around the house for appliances that generate heat, such as computers or lamps, and when not in use, shut them off! Simple changes such as closing your blinds when the sun is shining in the window and sealing air leaks around windows can keep the summer heat from robbing your home of your cool air and help your AC unit from having to work so hard!

Replacement may actually save dollars: If your unit is over 10 years old and it fails, it may be worth investigating how much a new system could save you in operating costs. In years past, people only replaced their furnace or air conditioner “as needed”, but today’s new energy efficient models and government and manufacturers incentives may mean that replacing these units sooner rather than later is the best option!

If you do decide to make a major change to your unit, there are several items to consider: the costs of the investment, payback and warranty are all major factors in deciding to repair or replace. It is often to best to work through this process with trained professionals, such as Landmark’s Heating and Cooling staff, that can help you weigh all the options and decide the best path for you. 

Don’t hesitate to contact Landmark Heating and Cooling today to find out how we can help you save money and keep cool this summer!